Author Archives: Melkior Resources

MASERES First Phase Drilling Completed

Timmins, Ontario / TheNewswire / Melkior Resources Inc. (“Melkior”) is pleased to announce that the first drill program on the Maseres Project has been completed. Twenty holes totaling 4,899 meters were constructed along 2.4 km of priority EM trend. Assays have only been completely received up to MS-19-7. Drill holes MS-19-8 to MS-19-20 (13 holes) have not […]

VMS Trend Established on Maseres

Melkior Resources Inc. (“Melkior “) is pleased to announce several prospective VMS sequences have been established on the Maseres Project. Maximum defined length of these parallel VMS sequences is 1.5 km. At present assay results are only available for the first five drill holes. Results from the most westerly of three parallel IP target zones […]

Melkior – Denton UAV-MAG TM Survey Awarded

Timmins, Ontario / TheNewswire / Melkior Resources Inc. (“Melkior”) is pleased to announce that a 95 line kilometer airborne survey has been awarded to Pioneer Aerial Surveys Ltd. using their UAV-MAG™ system for the Denton Project. The UAV-MAG™ survey will cover the 20 cell mining cells with 50m line spacing. The Denton Project is located […]

Melkior – Maseres Drilling Has Commenced

January 17, 2019 / TheNewswire / Timmins, Ontario — Melkior Resources Inc. (“Melkior”) is pleased to announce that drilling has commenced on the Maseres Project. The drill contract is for a maximum of 5,000 meters of NQ drilling. Bedrock observations have locally established with reasonable certainty that the bedrock stratigraphy generally strikes parallel to magnetic and electromagnetic […]

Melkior to complete airborne survey over White Lake

Melkior Resources Inc. has awarded an 808-line-kilometre airborne survey to Geotech using its VTEM plus time-domain system. The survey will cover the entire White Lake project with a 100-metre line spacing. Melkior is currently next in queue, it is anticipated that the survey will be initiated within two weeks. Melkior has identified a considerable number […]

Melkior Resources Announces Grant of Stock Options

January 10, 2019 / TheNewswire / Timmins, ON – Melkior Resources Inc. (the “Company” or “Melkior”) (TSXV – “MKR”) is pleased to announce that it has granted incentive stock options (the “Options”) to directors and officers of the Company for the right to purchase up to an aggregate of 3,000,000 common shares of the Company, exercisable at the price […]

Maseres IP Target Presentation

Timmins, Ontario / TheNewswire / January 8, 2019 – Melkior Resources Inc. (“Melkior”) (TSX-V:MKR) is pleased to announce that preparations in support of the 5,000m drill program on the Maseres Project are progressing and still anticipated to begin on January 15, 2019. Final reporting for the IP survey completed in late December will not be available until January 15, […]


Timmins, Ontario. Melkior Resources Inc. (“Melkior”) is pleased to announce that a drill contract has been awarded for the Maseres Project. The drill contract is for a maximum of 5,000 meters of NQ drilling. Drilling is anticipated to begin on January 15, 2019. Additional geophysical information from the recently completed IP survey is expected to be […]

Melkior Resources Announces Additional $400,000 Flow-Through Private Placement

December 18, 2018 / TheNewswire / Timmins, ON – Melkior Resources Inc. (the “Company” or “Melkior”) (TSXV – “MKR”) is pleased to announce that it has arranged for a further non-brokered flow-through private placement (the “Private Placement”). The Private Placement will provide the Company with aggregate gross proceeds of C$400,000, of which C$300,000 will be provided by a […]

Maseres Drill Permit Received

Timmins, Ontario / TheNewswire / Melkior Resources Inc. (“Melkior”) is pleased to announce receipt of the drilling permit for the for the Maseres Project. The drill permit for the Maseres Project provides for 64 drill set-up areas. The set-up areas permitted are generally centered on areas located approximately 50m south-west of each of the VTEM EM anomalies within […]